GURPS 4 редакция - Данная
Год выпуска: 2004 - 2016
Жанр: Ролевая Игра
Издательство: Steve Jackson Games
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное), Отсканированные страницы
Описание: Ролевая игра GURPS подойдет абсолютно для любого мира - фентези, фантастика, наше время, историчка. Видеоигра Fallout создана как раз 'на движке' этой настольной рпг. Игроки сначала создают своих персонажей и потом вместе становятся героями приключений. Отличная игра для группы друзей. В идеале 4-5 человек, один из игроков становится ведущим (которому лучше заранее подготовится к игре).
Язык: Английский
Количество книг: 305
Доп. информация: В этой собраны все пока вышедшие материалы в соответствии с официальным ом.
Новое:Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Swashbucklers
Pyramid 3-96 Tech and Toys IV
Pyramid 3-97 Strange Powers
Steampunk 1 - Setting and Style
В поисках:???
Список книг:
File Listing For: [D:Настольные ИгрыGURPS] on 16.12.2016
Action 1 - Heroes.pdf [569 KB]
Action 2 - Exploits.pdf [770 KB]
Action 3 - Furious Fists.pdf [628 KB]
Action 4 - Specialists.pdf [1 MB]
Adaptations.pdf [2 MB]
After the End 1 - Wastelander.pdf [2 MB]
After the End 2 - The New World.pdf [2 MB]
Aliens - Sparrials.pdf [1 MB]
Alphabet Arcane - Lost Serifs.pdf [452 KB]
Alphabet Arcane.pdf [612 KB]
Banestorm - Abydos.pdf [1 MB]
Banestorm - Maps.pdf [4 MB]
Banestorm - World Map.pdf [3 MB]
Banestorm.pdf [12 MB]
Basic Set - Skill Caregories.pdf [221 KB]
Basic Set.pdf [15 MB]
Big Lizzie.pdf [3 MB]
Bio-Tech.pdf [8 MB]
Boardroom And Curia.pdf [1 MB]
Caravan To Ein Arris.pdf [1 MB]
Casey And Andy.pdf [2 MB]
Character Sheets [DIRECTORY]
City Stats.pdf [1 MB]
Combat Examples [DIRECTORY]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 1.pdf [15 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 2.pdf [1 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 3.pdf [739 KB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 4.pdf [3 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 5.pdf [572 KB]
Crusades.pdf [3 MB]
Disasters - Meltdown and Fallout.pdf [1 MB]
Dragons.pdf [44 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 1 - Adventurers.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 10 - Taverns.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 11 - Power-Ups.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 12 - Ninja.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 13 - Loadouts.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 14 - Psi.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 15 - Henchmen.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 16 - Wilderness Adventures.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 17 - Guilds.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 18 - Power Items.pdf [921 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 2 - Dungeons.pdf [955 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 3 - The Next Level.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 4 - Sage.pdf [722 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 5 - Allies.pdf [685 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 6 - 40 Artifacts.pdf [591 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 7 - Clerics.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 8 - Treasure Tables.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 9 - Summoners.pdf [912 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 1 - Mirror Of The Fire Demon.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Barbarians.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Swashbucklers.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1.pdf [6 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 - Icky Goo.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3 - Born of Myth & Magic.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1 - Glittering Prizes.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 2 - Epic Treasures.pdf [989 KB]
Fantasy-Tech 1 - The Edge Of Reality.pdf [1 MB]
Fantasy.pdf [6 MB]
Forth Edition Update.pdf [303 KB]
GM's Screen.pdf [482 KB]
Gun Fu.pdf [2 MB]
High-Tech - Adventure Guns.pdf [2 MB]
High-Tech - Pulp Guns 1.pdf [1011 KB]
High-Tech - Pulp Guns 2.pdf [1 MB]
High-Tech - Weapon Tables.pdf [456 KB]
High-Tech.pdf [4 MB]
Horror - The Madness Dossier.pdf [3 MB]
Horror.pdf [2 MB]
Hot Spots - Constantinople, 527-1204 A.D..pdf [2 MB]
Hot Spots - Renaissance Florence.pdf [1 MB]
How To Be A GURPS GM.pdf [3 MB]
Infinite Worlds - Britannica-6.pdf [1 MB]
Infinite Worlds - Collegio Januari.pdf [901 KB]
Infinite Worlds - I.S.T..pdf [261 KB]
Infinite Worlds - Lost Worlds.pdf [590 KB]
Infinite Worlds - Worlds Of Horror.pdf [962 KB]
Infinite Worlds.pdf [5 MB]
Lair Of The Fat Man.pdf [2 MB]
Lands Out Of Time.pdf [1 MB]
Lite.pdf [1 MB]
Loadouts - Low-Tech Armor.pdf [2 MB]
Loadouts - Monster Hunters.pdf [967 KB]
Locations - Hellsgate.pdf [2 MB]
Locations - Metro Of Madness.pdf [857 KB]
Locations - St. George's Cathedral.pdf [1 MB]
Locations - Tower Of Octavius.pdf [2 MB]
Locations - Worminghall.pdf [2 MB]
Low Tech - Instant Armor.pdf [1 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 1 - Philosophers And Kings.pdf [3 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 2 - Weapons And Warriors.pdf [2 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 3 - Daily Life And Economics.pdf [1 MB]
Low-Tech.pdf [2 MB]
MacGuffin Alphabet.pdf [343 KB]
Magic - Death Spells.pdf [1 MB]
Magic - Plant Spells.pdf [1 MB]
Magic - Spell Charts.pdf [435 KB]
Magic.pdf [7 MB]
Magical Styles - Dungeon Magic.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts - Fairbairn Close Combat Systems.pdf [734 KB]
Martial Arts - Gladiators.pdf [2 MB]
Martial Arts - Technical Grappling.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts - Techniques Cheat-Sheet.pdf [362 KB]
Martial Arts - Yrth Fighting Styles.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts.pdf [3 MB]
Mass Combat.pdf [3 MB]
Monster Hunters 1 - Champions.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 2 - The Mission.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 3 - The Enemy.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 4 - Sidekicks.pdf [1 MB]
Monster Hunters 5 - Applied Xenology.pdf [1 MB]
Mysteries.pdf [1 MB]
Other Non-SJG Stuff [DIRECTORY]
Power-Ups 1 - Imbuements.pdf [475 KB]
Power-Ups 2 - Perks.pdf [765 KB]
Power-Ups 3 - Talents.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 4 - Enhancements.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 5 - Impulse Buys.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 6 - Quirks.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 7 - Wildcard Skills.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 8 - Limitations.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - Divine Favor.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - Enhanced Senses.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - The Weird.pdf [1 MB]
Powers.pdf [5 MB]
Prime Directive - Adventure Planet Aldo.pdf [3 MB]
Prime Directive - Deck Plans #1 - Klingon G1 Gunboat.pdf [11 MB]
Prime Directive - Dread Pirate Aldo.pdf [3 MB]
Prime Directive - Federation.pdf [7 MB]
Prime Directive - Klingons.pdf [21 MB]
Prime Directive - Romulans.pdf [5 MB]
Prime Directive - Starship Aldo.pdf [1 MB]
Prime Directive.pdf [48 MB]
Psi-Tech.pdf [2 MB]
Psionic Campaigns.pdf [1 MB]
Psionic Powers.pdf [1 MB]
Psis.pdf [1 MB]
Pyramid Magazines [DIRECTORY]
Reign Of Steel - Will To Live.pdf [1 MB]
SEALs In Vietnam.pdf [1 MB]
Social Engineering - Back to School.pdf [2 MB]
Social Engineering - Pulling Rank.pdf [853 KB]
Social Engineering.pdf [3 MB]
Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells.pdf [901 KB]
Space - Planetary Record Worksheet.pdf [581 KB]
Space.pdf [6 MB]
Spaceships 2 - Traders, Liners And Transports.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships 3 - Warships And Space Pirates.pdf [915 KB]
Spaceships 4 - Fighters, Carriers, And Mecha.pdf [845 KB]
Spaceships 5 - Exploration And Colony Spacecraft.pdf [843 KB]
Spaceships 6 - Mining And Industrial Spacecraft.pdf [664 KB]
Spaceships 7 - Divergent And Paranormal Tech.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships 8 - Transhuman Spacecraft.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships.pdf [2 MB]
Steampunk 1 - Setting and Style.pdf [2 MB]
Supers.pdf [3 MB]
Supporting Cast - Age Of Sail Pirate Crew.pdf [1 MB]
Tactical Shooting.pdf [2 MB]
Tales Of The Solar Patrol.pdf [8 MB]
Template Toolkit 1 - Characters.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Age Of Gold.pdf [1009 KB]
Thaumatology - Alchemical Baroque.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology - Chinese Elemental Powers.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology - Magical Styles.pdf [866 KB]
Thaumatology - Ritual Path Magic.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Sorcery.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Urban Magics.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology.pdf [5 MB]
Transhuman Space - Bio-Tech 2100.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Bioroid Bazaar.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Changing Times.pdf [2 MB]
Transhuman Space - Cities On The Edge.pdf [4 MB]
Transhuman Space - Martial Arts 2100.pdf [2 MB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 2 - The Meme Team.pdf [887 KB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 3 - Wild Justice.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 4 - Martingale Security.pdf [570 KB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 5 - School days 2100.pdf [500 KB]
Transhuman Space - Shell Tech
Год выпуска: 2004 - 2016
Жанр: Ролевая Игра
Издательство: Steve Jackson Games
Формат: PDF
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное), Отсканированные страницы
Описание: Ролевая игра GURPS подойдет абсолютно для любого мира - фентези, фантастика, наше время, историчка. Видеоигра Fallout создана как раз 'на движке' этой настольной рпг. Игроки сначала создают своих персонажей и потом вместе становятся героями приключений. Отличная игра для группы друзей. В идеале 4-5 человек, один из игроков становится ведущим (которому лучше заранее подготовится к игре).
Язык: Английский
Количество книг: 305
Доп. информация: В этой собраны все пока вышедшие материалы в соответствии с официальным ом.
Новое:Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Swashbucklers
Pyramid 3-96 Tech and Toys IV
Pyramid 3-97 Strange Powers
Steampunk 1 - Setting and Style
В поисках:???
Список книг:
File Listing For: [D:Настольные ИгрыGURPS] on 16.12.2016
Action 1 - Heroes.pdf [569 KB]
Action 2 - Exploits.pdf [770 KB]
Action 3 - Furious Fists.pdf [628 KB]
Action 4 - Specialists.pdf [1 MB]
Adaptations.pdf [2 MB]
After the End 1 - Wastelander.pdf [2 MB]
After the End 2 - The New World.pdf [2 MB]
Aliens - Sparrials.pdf [1 MB]
Alphabet Arcane - Lost Serifs.pdf [452 KB]
Alphabet Arcane.pdf [612 KB]
Banestorm - Abydos.pdf [1 MB]
Banestorm - Maps.pdf [4 MB]
Banestorm - World Map.pdf [3 MB]
Banestorm.pdf [12 MB]
Basic Set - Skill Caregories.pdf [221 KB]
Basic Set.pdf [15 MB]
Big Lizzie.pdf [3 MB]
Bio-Tech.pdf [8 MB]
Boardroom And Curia.pdf [1 MB]
Caravan To Ein Arris.pdf [1 MB]
Casey And Andy.pdf [2 MB]
Character Sheets [DIRECTORY]
City Stats.pdf [1 MB]
Combat Examples [DIRECTORY]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 1.pdf [15 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 2.pdf [1 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 3.pdf [739 KB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 4.pdf [3 MB]
Creatures Of The Night, Volume 5.pdf [572 KB]
Crusades.pdf [3 MB]
Disasters - Meltdown and Fallout.pdf [1 MB]
Dragons.pdf [44 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 1 - Adventurers.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 10 - Taverns.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 11 - Power-Ups.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 12 - Ninja.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 13 - Loadouts.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 14 - Psi.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 15 - Henchmen.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 16 - Wilderness Adventures.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 17 - Guilds.pdf [2 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 18 - Power Items.pdf [921 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 19 - Incantation Magic.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 2 - Dungeons.pdf [955 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 3 - The Next Level.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 4 - Sage.pdf [722 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 5 - Allies.pdf [685 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 6 - 40 Artifacts.pdf [591 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy 7 - Clerics.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 8 - Treasure Tables.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy 9 - Summoners.pdf [912 KB]
Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 1 - Mirror Of The Fire Demon.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Barbarians.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Denizens - Swashbucklers.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1.pdf [6 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 - Icky Goo.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3 - Born of Myth & Magic.pdf [3 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1 - Glittering Prizes.pdf [1 MB]
Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 2 - Epic Treasures.pdf [989 KB]
Fantasy-Tech 1 - The Edge Of Reality.pdf [1 MB]
Fantasy.pdf [6 MB]
Forth Edition Update.pdf [303 KB]
GM's Screen.pdf [482 KB]
Gun Fu.pdf [2 MB]
High-Tech - Adventure Guns.pdf [2 MB]
High-Tech - Pulp Guns 1.pdf [1011 KB]
High-Tech - Pulp Guns 2.pdf [1 MB]
High-Tech - Weapon Tables.pdf [456 KB]
High-Tech.pdf [4 MB]
Horror - The Madness Dossier.pdf [3 MB]
Horror.pdf [2 MB]
Hot Spots - Constantinople, 527-1204 A.D..pdf [2 MB]
Hot Spots - Renaissance Florence.pdf [1 MB]
How To Be A GURPS GM.pdf [3 MB]
Infinite Worlds - Britannica-6.pdf [1 MB]
Infinite Worlds - Collegio Januari.pdf [901 KB]
Infinite Worlds - I.S.T..pdf [261 KB]
Infinite Worlds - Lost Worlds.pdf [590 KB]
Infinite Worlds - Worlds Of Horror.pdf [962 KB]
Infinite Worlds.pdf [5 MB]
Lair Of The Fat Man.pdf [2 MB]
Lands Out Of Time.pdf [1 MB]
Lite.pdf [1 MB]
Loadouts - Low-Tech Armor.pdf [2 MB]
Loadouts - Monster Hunters.pdf [967 KB]
Locations - Hellsgate.pdf [2 MB]
Locations - Metro Of Madness.pdf [857 KB]
Locations - St. George's Cathedral.pdf [1 MB]
Locations - Tower Of Octavius.pdf [2 MB]
Locations - Worminghall.pdf [2 MB]
Low Tech - Instant Armor.pdf [1 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 1 - Philosophers And Kings.pdf [3 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 2 - Weapons And Warriors.pdf [2 MB]
Low-Tech Companion 3 - Daily Life And Economics.pdf [1 MB]
Low-Tech.pdf [2 MB]
MacGuffin Alphabet.pdf [343 KB]
Magic - Death Spells.pdf [1 MB]
Magic - Plant Spells.pdf [1 MB]
Magic - Spell Charts.pdf [435 KB]
Magic.pdf [7 MB]
Magical Styles - Dungeon Magic.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts - Fairbairn Close Combat Systems.pdf [734 KB]
Martial Arts - Gladiators.pdf [2 MB]
Martial Arts - Technical Grappling.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts - Techniques Cheat-Sheet.pdf [362 KB]
Martial Arts - Yrth Fighting Styles.pdf [1 MB]
Martial Arts.pdf [3 MB]
Mass Combat.pdf [3 MB]
Monster Hunters 1 - Champions.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 2 - The Mission.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 3 - The Enemy.pdf [2 MB]
Monster Hunters 4 - Sidekicks.pdf [1 MB]
Monster Hunters 5 - Applied Xenology.pdf [1 MB]
Mysteries.pdf [1 MB]
Other Non-SJG Stuff [DIRECTORY]
Power-Ups 1 - Imbuements.pdf [475 KB]
Power-Ups 2 - Perks.pdf [765 KB]
Power-Ups 3 - Talents.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 4 - Enhancements.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 5 - Impulse Buys.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 6 - Quirks.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 7 - Wildcard Skills.pdf [1 MB]
Power-Ups 8 - Limitations.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - Divine Favor.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - Enhanced Senses.pdf [1 MB]
Powers - The Weird.pdf [1 MB]
Powers.pdf [5 MB]
Prime Directive - Adventure Planet Aldo.pdf [3 MB]
Prime Directive - Deck Plans #1 - Klingon G1 Gunboat.pdf [11 MB]
Prime Directive - Dread Pirate Aldo.pdf [3 MB]
Prime Directive - Federation.pdf [7 MB]
Prime Directive - Klingons.pdf [21 MB]
Prime Directive - Romulans.pdf [5 MB]
Prime Directive - Starship Aldo.pdf [1 MB]
Prime Directive.pdf [48 MB]
Psi-Tech.pdf [2 MB]
Psionic Campaigns.pdf [1 MB]
Psionic Powers.pdf [1 MB]
Psis.pdf [1 MB]
Pyramid Magazines [DIRECTORY]
Reign Of Steel - Will To Live.pdf [1 MB]
SEALs In Vietnam.pdf [1 MB]
Social Engineering - Back to School.pdf [2 MB]
Social Engineering - Pulling Rank.pdf [853 KB]
Social Engineering.pdf [3 MB]
Sorcery - Protection and Warning Spells.pdf [901 KB]
Space - Planetary Record Worksheet.pdf [581 KB]
Space.pdf [6 MB]
Spaceships 2 - Traders, Liners And Transports.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships 3 - Warships And Space Pirates.pdf [915 KB]
Spaceships 4 - Fighters, Carriers, And Mecha.pdf [845 KB]
Spaceships 5 - Exploration And Colony Spacecraft.pdf [843 KB]
Spaceships 6 - Mining And Industrial Spacecraft.pdf [664 KB]
Spaceships 7 - Divergent And Paranormal Tech.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships 8 - Transhuman Spacecraft.pdf [1 MB]
Spaceships.pdf [2 MB]
Steampunk 1 - Setting and Style.pdf [2 MB]
Supers.pdf [3 MB]
Supporting Cast - Age Of Sail Pirate Crew.pdf [1 MB]
Tactical Shooting.pdf [2 MB]
Tales Of The Solar Patrol.pdf [8 MB]
Template Toolkit 1 - Characters.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Age Of Gold.pdf [1009 KB]
Thaumatology - Alchemical Baroque.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology - Chinese Elemental Powers.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology - Magical Styles.pdf [866 KB]
Thaumatology - Ritual Path Magic.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Sorcery.pdf [2 MB]
Thaumatology - Urban Magics.pdf [1 MB]
Thaumatology.pdf [5 MB]
Transhuman Space - Bio-Tech 2100.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Bioroid Bazaar.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Changing Times.pdf [2 MB]
Transhuman Space - Cities On The Edge.pdf [4 MB]
Transhuman Space - Martial Arts 2100.pdf [2 MB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 2 - The Meme Team.pdf [887 KB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 3 - Wild Justice.pdf [1 MB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 4 - Martingale Security.pdf [570 KB]
Transhuman Space - Personnel Files 5 - School days 2100.pdf [500 KB]
Transhuman Space - Shell Tech
Тип упаковки
Пластиковый бокс
0.12 кг
Количество DVD
2016, 2004
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