Timothy Leary / Тимоти Лири - собрание работ
Автор: Timothy Leary, Ph. D.
Формат: PDF, ePub, DOC, TXT
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное), OCR, отсканированные страницы
Жанр: психология, футурология, сатира, философия, эволюциология, антропология, социология, эзотерика
Издательство: Ronin Pub, Starseed/Peace Press, Falcon, New Falcon, Academy Editions, Level Press, KRYA PRESS, Thunder Mouth's Press
Dr. Timothy Leary, PhD (1920-1996): Psychologist, philosopher, explorer, teacher, optimist, author and revolutionary avatar of the mind.
Rightly called the Galileo of Consciousness, he went public with his observations of the mind made with psychedelic mindscopes and helped initiate a renaissance which is still only beginning to elaborate itself.
Тимоти Лири (22 октября 1920 - 31 мая 1996) - выдающийся американский писатель, психолог, участник кампании по исследованиям психоделических препаратов, разработчик программного обеспечения (одни из первых индексируемых ЭВМ психологических тестов.
Биографы Лири говорят, что в свою яркую и насыщенную жизнь он сумел вместить тысячи жизней, предстать во множестве ипостасей. Известной стала фраза Лири, высказанная в интервью журналу 'The Realist': 'Каждый получает такого Тимоти Лири, какого заслуживает'.
Взгляды Лири разделял английский писатель Олдос Хаксли. Его творчество повлияло на формирование взглядов многих известных людей, среди них Роберт Антон Уилсон и Роберт Турман.
'I've met Buckminster Fuller, and I still think you're the most intelligent man that I've ever met.
And I've met George Carlin, and I still think you're the funniest man that I've ever met.' -- Robert Anton Wilson
'A true visionary of the potential of the human mind and spirit.' -- William Burroughs
'He's a visionary, theoretician, fighter for individual freedom, advocate of tolerance...
but more importantly, Timothy Leary's lust for life always cheers us on.'-- R.U. Sirius
Changing My Mind, Among Others
Год издания: 1982
Издательство: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
ISBN: 0-13-127-829-0
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 292
This book is a collection of scientific, scholarly, and political essays written over the last 33 years. The underlying theme is scientific humanism the belief in the rapid evolution of intelligence in the human species and in the individual human being. The Humanist strives (not always successfully) to be morally flexible, unique, changeable, open-minded, optimistic, Utopian, progressive, funny, irreverent, tolerant, goofy. The Humanist chooses hopeful uncertainty rather than dogmatic past. Freedom over security. The humanist relies upon scientific intelligence for the solution of problems. The opposite of the Humanist is the person who relies on tradition and divine authority, who holds a pessimistic view of human nature. This book is arranged in five chronological parts reflecting the interactions of these controversial libertarian ideas with the jittery custodians of our culture. Each idea is treated as archeological specimen and introduced by a commentary describing the cultural context in which it emerged. Thus we can see how the quaint psychological terms of the recent past have changed. We can watch humanist notions appear, become popularized, vulgarized (psychobabbled), and evolve in response to later events. History cautions us that any work of artliteraturescience becomes, in time, an anthropological relic like a Paleolithic stone knife important and useful in its time, but unwieldy, primitive, even dangerous to the future unless understood in an evolutionary framework. The researches described in this book are concerned with predictable change, metamorphosis, mobility, expansion, genetic escape. In contrast to orthodox psychiatric and Judeo-C hristian concepts that implicitly encourage dependence on authority, the aim here has been to develop a psychology that treats the human being as an independent agent with intelligent control
Chaos and Cyber Culture
Год издания: 1994
Издательство: Ronin Publishing
ISBN: 0-914171-77-1
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 292
This book is about designing Chaos and fashioning your personal disorder: On screens with cyber tools from counterculture perspectives with informational chemicals (Chaos drugs) while delighting in cybernetics as guerrilla artists who explore de-animation alternatives while surfing the waves of millennium madness to glimpse the glorious wild impossibilities and improbabilities of the century to come. Enjoy it! It's ours to be played with!
Chaos & CyberCulture conveys Timothy Leary's vision of the emergence of a new humanism with an emphasis on questioning authority, independent thinking, individual creativity, and the empowerment of computers and other technologies. Leary's last great work, this book includes over 100,000 words in 40 chapters and 80 illustrations, as well as conversations with William Gibson, Winona Ryder, William S. Burroughs, and David Byrne.
Timothy Leary, the visionary Harvard psychologist who became a guru of the '60s counterculture, has reemerged as an icon of the new edge cyberpunks.
Confessions of a Hope Fiend
Год издания: 1973
Издательство: Bantam Books
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 310
February 19, 1970 Orange County Superior Court Just around midnight the jury came in with the verdict. Dehberations had lasted all day. The District Attorney was worried. We were bored. Bonne Chance deals the cards. A pack of fools, lovers, and jugglers. This deck had been shuffled long before this day of judgment. We had gone through the two weeks proceedings in that somnambulant courtroom stupor. It had been a year of melodramatic trials and tribulations in Texas, New York, and Cahfornia. Three posses of the United States Law Estabhshment slowly closing in on us. The government had armies of prosecutors. We were reheved that the chmax was about to happen. Judicial procedures by this time were boring charades. During the day of waiting comic congeniality had ruled the courtroom. Two weeks confinement with the court clerks, bailiffs, and sheriffs deputies had produced a cautious acceptance like shipwrecked survivors, passengers, and crew thrown together on a lifeboat. It was an important case to the District A ttorney.
Design For Dying
Год издания: 1997
Издательство: Harper Edge
ISBN: 0-06-018700-X
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 264
As the fringe guru himself put it, 'Mademoiselle Cancer moved in to share [his] body.' But in the days before he died, Leary -- never one to miss an opportunity for a party -- used his approaching death to create an exuberant new vision of what dying can be. Optimism, courage, joy and spirituality were central to Leary's final days and his death. Design for Dying -- Leary's last book -- shows us how we too can make dying the high point of life. Irreverent, thought-provoking and hilarious, Leary's parting shot pioneers new ways to die and new ways for the living to think about death. Urging us to take control of our deaths (and even to determine when and how we will die), Leary relates his own plan for 'directed dying,' a death we plan and orchestrate to reflect our own lives and values.
And the psychedelic prophet flings open a whole new range of beyond-death possibilites for the wired generation. From downloading consciousness onto the Net -- so that our souls can outlive our bodies -- to the way technology can enhance the final days of the dying to the far-out promises of cryogenics, Leary provides fascinating insights into how technology may eventually help us improve, and even sidestep, death. A thorough guide to death and dying resources and to online tools and further reading lists completes this surprising, funny and totally original look at the new frontiers of death.
Speaking to everyone who has ever wondered if there's more to death - -if there's life beyo
Автор: Timothy Leary, Ph. D.
Формат: PDF, ePub, DOC, TXT
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное), OCR, отсканированные страницы
Жанр: психология, футурология, сатира, философия, эволюциология, антропология, социология, эзотерика
Издательство: Ronin Pub, Starseed/Peace Press, Falcon, New Falcon, Academy Editions, Level Press, KRYA PRESS, Thunder Mouth's Press
Dr. Timothy Leary, PhD (1920-1996): Psychologist, philosopher, explorer, teacher, optimist, author and revolutionary avatar of the mind.
Rightly called the Galileo of Consciousness, he went public with his observations of the mind made with psychedelic mindscopes and helped initiate a renaissance which is still only beginning to elaborate itself.
Тимоти Лири (22 октября 1920 - 31 мая 1996) - выдающийся американский писатель, психолог, участник кампании по исследованиям психоделических препаратов, разработчик программного обеспечения (одни из первых индексируемых ЭВМ психологических тестов.
Биографы Лири говорят, что в свою яркую и насыщенную жизнь он сумел вместить тысячи жизней, предстать во множестве ипостасей. Известной стала фраза Лири, высказанная в интервью журналу 'The Realist': 'Каждый получает такого Тимоти Лири, какого заслуживает'.
Взгляды Лири разделял английский писатель Олдос Хаксли. Его творчество повлияло на формирование взглядов многих известных людей, среди них Роберт Антон Уилсон и Роберт Турман.
'I've met Buckminster Fuller, and I still think you're the most intelligent man that I've ever met.
And I've met George Carlin, and I still think you're the funniest man that I've ever met.' -- Robert Anton Wilson
'A true visionary of the potential of the human mind and spirit.' -- William Burroughs
'He's a visionary, theoretician, fighter for individual freedom, advocate of tolerance...
but more importantly, Timothy Leary's lust for life always cheers us on.'-- R.U. Sirius
Changing My Mind, Among Others
Год издания: 1982
Издательство: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
ISBN: 0-13-127-829-0
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 292
This book is a collection of scientific, scholarly, and political essays written over the last 33 years. The underlying theme is scientific humanism the belief in the rapid evolution of intelligence in the human species and in the individual human being. The Humanist strives (not always successfully) to be morally flexible, unique, changeable, open-minded, optimistic, Utopian, progressive, funny, irreverent, tolerant, goofy. The Humanist chooses hopeful uncertainty rather than dogmatic past. Freedom over security. The humanist relies upon scientific intelligence for the solution of problems. The opposite of the Humanist is the person who relies on tradition and divine authority, who holds a pessimistic view of human nature. This book is arranged in five chronological parts reflecting the interactions of these controversial libertarian ideas with the jittery custodians of our culture. Each idea is treated as archeological specimen and introduced by a commentary describing the cultural context in which it emerged. Thus we can see how the quaint psychological terms of the recent past have changed. We can watch humanist notions appear, become popularized, vulgarized (psychobabbled), and evolve in response to later events. History cautions us that any work of artliteraturescience becomes, in time, an anthropological relic like a Paleolithic stone knife important and useful in its time, but unwieldy, primitive, even dangerous to the future unless understood in an evolutionary framework. The researches described in this book are concerned with predictable change, metamorphosis, mobility, expansion, genetic escape. In contrast to orthodox psychiatric and Judeo-C hristian concepts that implicitly encourage dependence on authority, the aim here has been to develop a psychology that treats the human being as an independent agent with intelligent control
Chaos and Cyber Culture
Год издания: 1994
Издательство: Ronin Publishing
ISBN: 0-914171-77-1
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 292
This book is about designing Chaos and fashioning your personal disorder: On screens with cyber tools from counterculture perspectives with informational chemicals (Chaos drugs) while delighting in cybernetics as guerrilla artists who explore de-animation alternatives while surfing the waves of millennium madness to glimpse the glorious wild impossibilities and improbabilities of the century to come. Enjoy it! It's ours to be played with!
Chaos & CyberCulture conveys Timothy Leary's vision of the emergence of a new humanism with an emphasis on questioning authority, independent thinking, individual creativity, and the empowerment of computers and other technologies. Leary's last great work, this book includes over 100,000 words in 40 chapters and 80 illustrations, as well as conversations with William Gibson, Winona Ryder, William S. Burroughs, and David Byrne.
Timothy Leary, the visionary Harvard psychologist who became a guru of the '60s counterculture, has reemerged as an icon of the new edge cyberpunks.
Confessions of a Hope Fiend
Год издания: 1973
Издательство: Bantam Books
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 310
February 19, 1970 Orange County Superior Court Just around midnight the jury came in with the verdict. Dehberations had lasted all day. The District Attorney was worried. We were bored. Bonne Chance deals the cards. A pack of fools, lovers, and jugglers. This deck had been shuffled long before this day of judgment. We had gone through the two weeks proceedings in that somnambulant courtroom stupor. It had been a year of melodramatic trials and tribulations in Texas, New York, and Cahfornia. Three posses of the United States Law Estabhshment slowly closing in on us. The government had armies of prosecutors. We were reheved that the chmax was about to happen. Judicial procedures by this time were boring charades. During the day of waiting comic congeniality had ruled the courtroom. Two weeks confinement with the court clerks, bailiffs, and sheriffs deputies had produced a cautious acceptance like shipwrecked survivors, passengers, and crew thrown together on a lifeboat. It was an important case to the District A ttorney.
Design For Dying
Год издания: 1997
Издательство: Harper Edge
ISBN: 0-06-018700-X
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Количество страниц: 264
As the fringe guru himself put it, 'Mademoiselle Cancer moved in to share [his] body.' But in the days before he died, Leary -- never one to miss an opportunity for a party -- used his approaching death to create an exuberant new vision of what dying can be. Optimism, courage, joy and spirituality were central to Leary's final days and his death. Design for Dying -- Leary's last book -- shows us how we too can make dying the high point of life. Irreverent, thought-provoking and hilarious, Leary's parting shot pioneers new ways to die and new ways for the living to think about death. Urging us to take control of our deaths (and even to determine when and how we will die), Leary relates his own plan for 'directed dying,' a death we plan and orchestrate to reflect our own lives and values.
And the psychedelic prophet flings open a whole new range of beyond-death possibilites for the wired generation. From downloading consciousness onto the Net -- so that our souls can outlive our bodies -- to the way technology can enhance the final days of the dying to the far-out promises of cryogenics, Leary provides fascinating insights into how technology may eventually help us improve, and even sidestep, death. A thorough guide to death and dying resources and to online tools and further reading lists completes this surprising, funny and totally original look at the new frontiers of death.
Speaking to everyone who has ever wondered if there's more to death - -if there's life beyo
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2004, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1987, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1970, 1957, 1956, 1950, 1920
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