TTC Video - Рождение Современного Разума - Интеллектуальная История 17-го и 18-го Столетий / TTC Video - Birth of the Modern Mind - The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Автор: Professor Alan Charles Kors
Страна: США
Тематика: Интеллектуальная История 17-го и 18-го Столетий
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Продолжительность: 24 лекций по 30 мин
Год выпуска: 2010
Язык: Английский
Перевод: Отсутствует
Подробное описание на английском
Modern science, representative democracy, and a wave of wars were caused by a revolution of the intellect that seized Europe between 1600 and 1800.
Ideas and the Transformation of Human Life
Shaking the minds of the continent like few things before or since, this revolution challenged previous ways of understanding reality and sparked what Professor Alan Charles Kors calls 'perhaps the most profound transformation of European, if not human, life.'
Revolutions in thought (as opposed to those in politics or science) are in many ways the most far-reaching. They affect our entire sense of legitimate authority, of the possible and impossible, of right and wrong, and of the potentials of human life.
The goal of these lectures is to understand the conceptual and cultural revolution of the Enlightenment. In them, you see the birth of modern thought in the dilemmas, debates, and extraordinary works of the 17th- and 18th-century mind.
Professor Kors is Henry Charles Lea Professor of European History at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has taught for over 30 years. His courses on European intellectual history have won two awards for distinguished teaching.
He is the editor-in-chief of the multi-volume Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment and has written and edited several books on European intellectual history.
The Power of Aristotle and the Churchmen
When the 17th century dawned in Europe, past authors who had stood the test of time dominated the world of learning and understanding.
Their system of thought-Aristotelian scholasticism-emerged from the fusion of those authorities and Christian doctrine. Professor Kors shows how fully these ideas had suffused and controlled thought and society.
The Walls begin to Crumble
A series of fundamental assaults upon the inherited intellectual system dominated the intellectual life of the 17th century.
Those assaults constituted nothing less than a conceptual revolution that altered the European relationship to thought, nature, and human possibility. With Professor Kors, you examine the key thinkers who changed the world.
* Francis Bacon, politician and philosopher, criticized the entire Western intellectual inheritance, revising the human quest for knowledge and transforming the uses of knowledge into power over the forces of nature.
* René Descartes created a coherent philosophical system that became the major challenge to scholasticism on the Continent. Descartes sought to demonstrate that humans can establish a criterion of truth and, with it, know with certainty the real nature of things.
* Thomas Hobbes, author of the monumental work of political philosophy known as Leviathan (1651), argued that the entire world was matter in motion according to mechanical laws. Thus, there was no freedom of the will, and all things were the necessary results of prior causes.
* Blaise Pascal was one of the 17th century's most influential fideists. Philosophical skepticism is the belief that we may know nothing with certainty. When used to humble human reason and demonstrate our dependence on religious faith, it is termed 'fideism'-yet another systematic assault on Aristotelian scholasticism.
Physics, Politics, and the End of the Old Order
The new knowledge had gained a foothold, but then you see how Newton made it dominant. The 1687 publication of Newton's Principia Mathematica was not merely a major event in the history of Western science but a watershed in the history of Western culture.
Newton's Principia convinced the majority of its readers that the world was ordered and coherent and that the human mind, using Baconian inductive methodology and mathematical reasoning, could grasp that order.
John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) changed the way in which the culture thought about the whole phenomenon of human knowledge.
To Locke, the mind begins as a blank slate on which experience imprints ideas via the senses and via reflection. Because experience is not logically determined, our knowledge of the world is merely probable. The Baron de Montesquieu expanded Locke's idea in the areas of law, society, and politics.
The Dam Bursts
The 18th century sought to take the models of Newton and Locke and apply them to the fullest possible range of human inquiry and endeavor.
The heirs of that conceptual revolution-the 'new philosophers'-both popularized what they took to be the substance and implications of what had occurred in the 17th century and extended them to new areas of inquiry. You study the work of David Hume, Voltaire, the 'philosophes,' and the encyclopedist Denis Diderot.
* They dealt with the dramatic implications of the new philosophy for religious issues: miracle, revelation, supernaturalism, the authority of the priesthood, human nature, sin, and virtue.
* They sought to understand both society and religion in increasingly natural terms, to establish the rights of freedom of inquiry and belief, and to discredit, reform, or replace those authorities that could not justify themselves by the new criteria and proper uses of knowledge.
By the end of the 18th century, the prestige of ancient thought and of the inherited system was a thing of the past.
The new ideas were not accepted without dissent. Rousseau, writing in the middle of the 18th century, framed a profoundly influential critique, which echoes down to our own day. He argued that cultural 'progress' inevitably leads to moral decadence via the proliferation of artificial needs and inequalities. But his protest did not stop the march of progress.
Educated Europeans believed that they had a new understanding-of thought and the human mind, of method, of nature, and of the uses of knowledge-with which they could come to know the world correctly for the first time in human history and with which they could rewrite the possibilities of human life.
Soon, under the weight of these new ideas, all over the globe, monarchs fell.
This course puts us at the heart of the most far-reaching and consequential intellectual changes in the history of European civilization.
Подробное описание на русском
Современная наука, представительная демократия, и волна войн были вызваны революцией интеллекта, который захватил Европу между 1600 и 1800.
Идеи и Преобразование Человеческой жизни
Встряхивая умы континента как немного вещей прежде или с тех пор, эта революция бросила вызов предыдущим способам понять действительность и зажгла то, что профессор Алан Чарльз Корс называет, 'возможно, самым глубоким преобразованием европейца, если не человек, жизнь.'
Революции в мысли (в противоположность тем в политике или науке) являются разными способами самыми далеко идущими. Они затрагивают наш весь смысл законной власти, возможного и невозможного, права и неправильно, и потенциалов человеческой жизни.
Цель этих лекций состоит в том, чтобы понять концептуальную и культурную революцию Просвещения. В них Вы видите рождение современной мысли в дилеммах, дебатах, и экстраординарных работах ума 18-ого столетия и 17-ого.
Профессор Корс - профессор Генри Чарльза Lea европейской Истории в Университете Пенсильвании, где он преподавал больше 30 лет. Его курсы о европейской интеллектуальной истории получили две премии за выдающееся обучение.
Он - главный редактор многотомного издательства Оксфордского университета Энциклопедия Просвещения и написал и отредактировал несколько книг по европейской интеллектуальной истории.
Власть Аристотеля и Церковников
Когда 17-ое столетие рассветало в Европе, прошлые авторы, которые выдержали испытание временем, доминировали над миром изучения и понимания.
Их система взглядов - Аристотелевская схоластика - появилась из сплава тех властей и христианской доктрины. Профессор Корс показывает
Автор: Professor Alan Charles Kors
Страна: США
Тематика: Интеллектуальная История 17-го и 18-го Столетий
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Продолжительность: 24 лекций по 30 мин
Год выпуска: 2010
Язык: Английский
Перевод: Отсутствует
Подробное описание на английском
Modern science, representative democracy, and a wave of wars were caused by a revolution of the intellect that seized Europe between 1600 and 1800.
Ideas and the Transformation of Human Life
Shaking the minds of the continent like few things before or since, this revolution challenged previous ways of understanding reality and sparked what Professor Alan Charles Kors calls 'perhaps the most profound transformation of European, if not human, life.'
Revolutions in thought (as opposed to those in politics or science) are in many ways the most far-reaching. They affect our entire sense of legitimate authority, of the possible and impossible, of right and wrong, and of the potentials of human life.
The goal of these lectures is to understand the conceptual and cultural revolution of the Enlightenment. In them, you see the birth of modern thought in the dilemmas, debates, and extraordinary works of the 17th- and 18th-century mind.
Professor Kors is Henry Charles Lea Professor of European History at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has taught for over 30 years. His courses on European intellectual history have won two awards for distinguished teaching.
He is the editor-in-chief of the multi-volume Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment and has written and edited several books on European intellectual history.
The Power of Aristotle and the Churchmen
When the 17th century dawned in Europe, past authors who had stood the test of time dominated the world of learning and understanding.
Their system of thought-Aristotelian scholasticism-emerged from the fusion of those authorities and Christian doctrine. Professor Kors shows how fully these ideas had suffused and controlled thought and society.
The Walls begin to Crumble
A series of fundamental assaults upon the inherited intellectual system dominated the intellectual life of the 17th century.
Those assaults constituted nothing less than a conceptual revolution that altered the European relationship to thought, nature, and human possibility. With Professor Kors, you examine the key thinkers who changed the world.
* Francis Bacon, politician and philosopher, criticized the entire Western intellectual inheritance, revising the human quest for knowledge and transforming the uses of knowledge into power over the forces of nature.
* René Descartes created a coherent philosophical system that became the major challenge to scholasticism on the Continent. Descartes sought to demonstrate that humans can establish a criterion of truth and, with it, know with certainty the real nature of things.
* Thomas Hobbes, author of the monumental work of political philosophy known as Leviathan (1651), argued that the entire world was matter in motion according to mechanical laws. Thus, there was no freedom of the will, and all things were the necessary results of prior causes.
* Blaise Pascal was one of the 17th century's most influential fideists. Philosophical skepticism is the belief that we may know nothing with certainty. When used to humble human reason and demonstrate our dependence on religious faith, it is termed 'fideism'-yet another systematic assault on Aristotelian scholasticism.
Physics, Politics, and the End of the Old Order
The new knowledge had gained a foothold, but then you see how Newton made it dominant. The 1687 publication of Newton's Principia Mathematica was not merely a major event in the history of Western science but a watershed in the history of Western culture.
Newton's Principia convinced the majority of its readers that the world was ordered and coherent and that the human mind, using Baconian inductive methodology and mathematical reasoning, could grasp that order.
John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) changed the way in which the culture thought about the whole phenomenon of human knowledge.
To Locke, the mind begins as a blank slate on which experience imprints ideas via the senses and via reflection. Because experience is not logically determined, our knowledge of the world is merely probable. The Baron de Montesquieu expanded Locke's idea in the areas of law, society, and politics.
The Dam Bursts
The 18th century sought to take the models of Newton and Locke and apply them to the fullest possible range of human inquiry and endeavor.
The heirs of that conceptual revolution-the 'new philosophers'-both popularized what they took to be the substance and implications of what had occurred in the 17th century and extended them to new areas of inquiry. You study the work of David Hume, Voltaire, the 'philosophes,' and the encyclopedist Denis Diderot.
* They dealt with the dramatic implications of the new philosophy for religious issues: miracle, revelation, supernaturalism, the authority of the priesthood, human nature, sin, and virtue.
* They sought to understand both society and religion in increasingly natural terms, to establish the rights of freedom of inquiry and belief, and to discredit, reform, or replace those authorities that could not justify themselves by the new criteria and proper uses of knowledge.
By the end of the 18th century, the prestige of ancient thought and of the inherited system was a thing of the past.
The new ideas were not accepted without dissent. Rousseau, writing in the middle of the 18th century, framed a profoundly influential critique, which echoes down to our own day. He argued that cultural 'progress' inevitably leads to moral decadence via the proliferation of artificial needs and inequalities. But his protest did not stop the march of progress.
Educated Europeans believed that they had a new understanding-of thought and the human mind, of method, of nature, and of the uses of knowledge-with which they could come to know the world correctly for the first time in human history and with which they could rewrite the possibilities of human life.
Soon, under the weight of these new ideas, all over the globe, monarchs fell.
This course puts us at the heart of the most far-reaching and consequential intellectual changes in the history of European civilization.
Подробное описание на русском
Современная наука, представительная демократия, и волна войн были вызваны революцией интеллекта, который захватил Европу между 1600 и 1800.
Идеи и Преобразование Человеческой жизни
Встряхивая умы континента как немного вещей прежде или с тех пор, эта революция бросила вызов предыдущим способам понять действительность и зажгла то, что профессор Алан Чарльз Корс называет, 'возможно, самым глубоким преобразованием европейца, если не человек, жизнь.'
Революции в мысли (в противоположность тем в политике или науке) являются разными способами самыми далеко идущими. Они затрагивают наш весь смысл законной власти, возможного и невозможного, права и неправильно, и потенциалов человеческой жизни.
Цель этих лекций состоит в том, чтобы понять концептуальную и культурную революцию Просвещения. В них Вы видите рождение современной мысли в дилеммах, дебатах, и экстраординарных работах ума 18-ого столетия и 17-ого.
Профессор Корс - профессор Генри Чарльза Lea европейской Истории в Университете Пенсильвании, где он преподавал больше 30 лет. Его курсы о европейской интеллектуальной истории получили две премии за выдающееся обучение.
Он - главный редактор многотомного издательства Оксфордского университета Энциклопедия Просвещения и написал и отредактировал несколько книг по европейской интеллектуальной истории.
Власть Аристотеля и Церковников
Когда 17-ое столетие рассветало в Европе, прошлые авторы, которые выдержали испытание временем, доминировали над миром изучения и понимания.
Их система взглядов - Аристотелевская схоластика - появилась из сплава тех властей и христианской доктрины. Профессор Корс показывает
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