SalsaIsGood - Сальса со звёздами - Новые движения на1, на2 и кубинские ч.1/ SalsaIsGood - Salsa with the Stars - New Moves on 1, on 2 & Cuban vol.1
Страна: Australia
Тематика: Salsa
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Продолжительность: 01:24:00
Год выпуска: 2004
Язык: Английский
Перевод: Отсутствует
Язык субтитров: Английский (в тексте под спойлером)
Описание: Не пропустите самый оригинальный, богатый и разносторонний из когда-либо выпущенных сальса ДВД
Хотите выучить немного новыъ крутых связок?
Хотите увидеть как эти движения выгядятв различных стилях?
Вы хтите увидеть как звёзды добавляют стайлинг и другие изменения чтобы сделать те же самые элементы выглядеть особенно?
Из этого ДВД вы получите новые связки элементов с неколькими углами обзора, дтальными объяснениями, замедленной сьёмкой и счётом на каждом кадре. Сравните различные стили сальсы в демонстрации так что вы можете менять стили сами и танцевать с партнершами по всему миру. Развивайтесь пройдя эти уровни изучения так, что видео займет вас на месяцы - каждый раз при просмотре вы увидите что-то новое.
Счетчик тактов на всех кадрах на всем видеокурсе, так что вы всегда будете знать на каком счете сейчас танцоры.
Это особенно полезно когда вы смотрите танцевание на1 и на2.
Это также означет, что после обяснений и демонстраций мы можем предложить дополнительные приближения кадры работы рук, чтобы вы не потеряли счёт. Вам не нужно видеть ноги, т.к. счётчик времени скажет вам где вы
Вид сбоку и сверху для каждого элемента. Вид сверху точно над головами танцоров чтобы вы могли лучше понять работу рук.
И много других полезных фишек... (для полного списка фишек ДВД и текста объяснений связок на английском смотрите под спойлером)
Доп. информация
Salsa with the Stars - New Moves on 1, on 2 & Cuban volş1
Salsa with the Stars Vol 1
Video Script
This page contains the 'Script' (that is the spoken part) of the DVD. This may help non English speaking students to follow the instructions, as well as all students to practise the figures when you are not in front of the TV.
Volume 1
This video is a demonstration that at times dreams come true. We always wanted to celebrate the richness and diversity of salsa. This time we do so with the help of some 40 international dancers, including some world renowned stars like Seaon the Stylist, Amanda Estilo, Ismael Otero, Griselle Ponce, Duplessey Walker, Troy Anthony and many more talented dancers. Never before have so many dancers collaborated in an instructional DVD series. Never before has so much talent, creativity, and salsa magic been collected into a single work. Never before have the best from all corners of the salsa world been brought together in 2 DVDs for you to learn from. Normally you have one teacher and 40 students. In this video there is one student, you, and 40 of the best instructors in the world, for you to choose from.
Here is how the video works. You have 15 turns patterns organised into 5 routines. The turn patterns feature all the SalsaIsGood trademark ingredients: tricks never seen before, surprising ideas, unexpected solutions, a mixture of Cuban and NY elements. The routines are explained via the SalsaIsGood leading edge editing: parallel multiple views, slow motion, beat counter on every frame and vocal explanations. And here comes the best part!! The turn patterns are then demonstrated by our international guest stars. They interpret the turn patterns according to their salsa style. More importantly, they modify the turn patterns in their own personal way. You will see the very same moves enriched by Seaon’s sublime touch, by Amanda’s dazzling decorations, by Duplessey’s magic turns, by Griselle’s bursting energy, by Ismael’s arm tricks, by Troy’s knots, by Patrice’s intricate Cuban style, by Ana’s sensuous styling.... and all the others… we even have a rueda group! You will see how ‘they did it their way’, and from it, choose your way...
No matter what you look for in a salsa DVD, you are bound to find it here. No matter what your taste, you will find plenty to impress you in these DVDs, Volume 1 and Volume 2. There is enough material here to keep you busy for months: not only the turn patterns but their endless variations. There are so many ideas for styling and personal interpretation with decorations from NY, LA, DC, Paris, Havana, Boston, Chicago, Houston, the Dutch Antilles and Australia. And you will even be entertained by some great music from Jimmy Bosch!! Don’t miss out on the most original, rich and diverse salsa DVD ever produced!!!
Routine 1
Figure 1
Description. In this figure the guy starts a X BodyLead by bringing his right hand around his neck and over his left shoulder. He leads the X BodyLead with two inside turns, which are checked into an embrace, while at the same time he performs a hook turn.
Now, with the right hand at waist level, he leads a right turn followed by a Pretzel and then two more right turns. In the last turn he performs an arm loop round the lady's neck.
Here the guy releases the hold with his left hand, and catches the lady's right again in front. He leads a X BodyLead with inside turn, by gently twisting her hand with his left. He then sneaks behind her, reaches for her right shoulder with his right hand and immediately leads her into another X BodyLead with inside turn. At the same time, he turns quickly left in order to check her again with his right hand over her right shoulder.
1½ right turns for the lady and a left turn for the guy complete the figure.
Now that you have learned the first figure you can admire and study how some of the stars decided to interpret it.
Ismael & Juliette. Here you have Ismael and Juliette from Caribbean Soul.
Ismael is one of the first generation of NY dancers. He has been around for a while and he knows all the tricks. Actually, many tricks which are today considered standard are his own! Complicated arm work in NY style and unusual hand flips were part of his repertoire far before many others incorporated them.
Maybe for this reason, Ismael took it as a challenge to learn this en tire routine as it is, in only a few minutes and film it, rather than changing it with his own material. The entire session la ste d some 45 minutes.. Quite an achievement Ismael !!
Joel & Ana. Here is a real treat.. Joel and Ana from Masacote Entertainment with their on2 interpretation to timba rhythm. Another of the highlights of the video!
After the guy's turn, Joel and Ana decide to add several spins for the lady.. and look at the quality of the spins!!
Here Joel decides to ask the lady for a half turn rather than a full turn, so the dancers end up facing the opposite direction than in Fabio and Anna's version. They finish with a double check.. and several more great turns..
Ladies.. talk about treats.. enjoy Ana's beautiful decoration and precision throughout the figure. Notice the way she uses her entire body in the dance even down to her finger tips..
Oren & Julia. Oren and Julia, two pearls from Sydney , Australia . Julia is another amazing spinner and Oren is clearly having a great time. We love your attitude Oren!!
Oren and Julia decided to keep the figure very similar to the original, and simply added several spins, but.. what spins!!
And here are a few moments which are worth capturing..
Sekou & Leah . This is another couple we saw performing and we rushed to ask them to be in the video. Sekou and Leah, in their interpretation gifted us with some really lovely touches. They are so nicely 'on the music'.
Figure 2
Description. After the X BodyLead, the guy catches right to right. The dancers swap positions, while the guy goes into a hook turn, releases the hand-hold and lets the lady's right fall into his left hand.
What follows looks and feels very unusual, but, in fact is nothing but a fancy copa. The guy catches the lady's left with his right, in a man's hammer lock position. With his left behind his back he leads her into a copa. In the second part of the copa, he turns left and brings the right hand down. The result is a hammer lock on the lady. From the top view you can recognise the copa an
Страна: Australia
Тематика: Salsa
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Продолжительность: 01:24:00
Год выпуска: 2004
Язык: Английский
Перевод: Отсутствует
Язык субтитров: Английский (в тексте под спойлером)
Описание: Не пропустите самый оригинальный, богатый и разносторонний из когда-либо выпущенных сальса ДВД
Хотите выучить немного новыъ крутых связок?
Хотите увидеть как эти движения выгядятв различных стилях?
Вы хтите увидеть как звёзды добавляют стайлинг и другие изменения чтобы сделать те же самые элементы выглядеть особенно?
Из этого ДВД вы получите новые связки элементов с неколькими углами обзора, дтальными объяснениями, замедленной сьёмкой и счётом на каждом кадре. Сравните различные стили сальсы в демонстрации так что вы можете менять стили сами и танцевать с партнершами по всему миру. Развивайтесь пройдя эти уровни изучения так, что видео займет вас на месяцы - каждый раз при просмотре вы увидите что-то новое.
Счетчик тактов на всех кадрах на всем видеокурсе, так что вы всегда будете знать на каком счете сейчас танцоры.
Это особенно полезно когда вы смотрите танцевание на1 и на2.
Это также означет, что после обяснений и демонстраций мы можем предложить дополнительные приближения кадры работы рук, чтобы вы не потеряли счёт. Вам не нужно видеть ноги, т.к. счётчик времени скажет вам где вы
Вид сбоку и сверху для каждого элемента. Вид сверху точно над головами танцоров чтобы вы могли лучше понять работу рук.
И много других полезных фишек... (для полного списка фишек ДВД и текста объяснений связок на английском смотрите под спойлером)
Доп. информация
Salsa with the Stars - New Moves on 1, on 2 & Cuban volş1
Salsa with the Stars Vol 1
Video Script
This page contains the 'Script' (that is the spoken part) of the DVD. This may help non English speaking students to follow the instructions, as well as all students to practise the figures when you are not in front of the TV.
Volume 1
This video is a demonstration that at times dreams come true. We always wanted to celebrate the richness and diversity of salsa. This time we do so with the help of some 40 international dancers, including some world renowned stars like Seaon the Stylist, Amanda Estilo, Ismael Otero, Griselle Ponce, Duplessey Walker, Troy Anthony and many more talented dancers. Never before have so many dancers collaborated in an instructional DVD series. Never before has so much talent, creativity, and salsa magic been collected into a single work. Never before have the best from all corners of the salsa world been brought together in 2 DVDs for you to learn from. Normally you have one teacher and 40 students. In this video there is one student, you, and 40 of the best instructors in the world, for you to choose from.
Here is how the video works. You have 15 turns patterns organised into 5 routines. The turn patterns feature all the SalsaIsGood trademark ingredients: tricks never seen before, surprising ideas, unexpected solutions, a mixture of Cuban and NY elements. The routines are explained via the SalsaIsGood leading edge editing: parallel multiple views, slow motion, beat counter on every frame and vocal explanations. And here comes the best part!! The turn patterns are then demonstrated by our international guest stars. They interpret the turn patterns according to their salsa style. More importantly, they modify the turn patterns in their own personal way. You will see the very same moves enriched by Seaon’s sublime touch, by Amanda’s dazzling decorations, by Duplessey’s magic turns, by Griselle’s bursting energy, by Ismael’s arm tricks, by Troy’s knots, by Patrice’s intricate Cuban style, by Ana’s sensuous styling.... and all the others… we even have a rueda group! You will see how ‘they did it their way’, and from it, choose your way...
No matter what you look for in a salsa DVD, you are bound to find it here. No matter what your taste, you will find plenty to impress you in these DVDs, Volume 1 and Volume 2. There is enough material here to keep you busy for months: not only the turn patterns but their endless variations. There are so many ideas for styling and personal interpretation with decorations from NY, LA, DC, Paris, Havana, Boston, Chicago, Houston, the Dutch Antilles and Australia. And you will even be entertained by some great music from Jimmy Bosch!! Don’t miss out on the most original, rich and diverse salsa DVD ever produced!!!
Routine 1
Figure 1
Description. In this figure the guy starts a X BodyLead by bringing his right hand around his neck and over his left shoulder. He leads the X BodyLead with two inside turns, which are checked into an embrace, while at the same time he performs a hook turn.
Now, with the right hand at waist level, he leads a right turn followed by a Pretzel and then two more right turns. In the last turn he performs an arm loop round the lady's neck.
Here the guy releases the hold with his left hand, and catches the lady's right again in front. He leads a X BodyLead with inside turn, by gently twisting her hand with his left. He then sneaks behind her, reaches for her right shoulder with his right hand and immediately leads her into another X BodyLead with inside turn. At the same time, he turns quickly left in order to check her again with his right hand over her right shoulder.
1½ right turns for the lady and a left turn for the guy complete the figure.
Now that you have learned the first figure you can admire and study how some of the stars decided to interpret it.
Ismael & Juliette. Here you have Ismael and Juliette from Caribbean Soul.
Ismael is one of the first generation of NY dancers. He has been around for a while and he knows all the tricks. Actually, many tricks which are today considered standard are his own! Complicated arm work in NY style and unusual hand flips were part of his repertoire far before many others incorporated them.
Maybe for this reason, Ismael took it as a challenge to learn this en tire routine as it is, in only a few minutes and film it, rather than changing it with his own material. The entire session la ste d some 45 minutes.. Quite an achievement Ismael !!
Joel & Ana. Here is a real treat.. Joel and Ana from Masacote Entertainment with their on2 interpretation to timba rhythm. Another of the highlights of the video!
After the guy's turn, Joel and Ana decide to add several spins for the lady.. and look at the quality of the spins!!
Here Joel decides to ask the lady for a half turn rather than a full turn, so the dancers end up facing the opposite direction than in Fabio and Anna's version. They finish with a double check.. and several more great turns..
Ladies.. talk about treats.. enjoy Ana's beautiful decoration and precision throughout the figure. Notice the way she uses her entire body in the dance even down to her finger tips..
Oren & Julia. Oren and Julia, two pearls from Sydney , Australia . Julia is another amazing spinner and Oren is clearly having a great time. We love your attitude Oren!!
Oren and Julia decided to keep the figure very similar to the original, and simply added several spins, but.. what spins!!
And here are a few moments which are worth capturing..
Sekou & Leah . This is another couple we saw performing and we rushed to ask them to be in the video. Sekou and Leah, in their interpretation gifted us with some really lovely touches. They are so nicely 'on the music'.
Figure 2
Description. After the X BodyLead, the guy catches right to right. The dancers swap positions, while the guy goes into a hook turn, releases the hand-hold and lets the lady's right fall into his left hand.
What follows looks and feels very unusual, but, in fact is nothing but a fancy copa. The guy catches the lady's left with his right, in a man's hammer lock position. With his left behind his back he leads her into a copa. In the second part of the copa, he turns left and brings the right hand down. The result is a hammer lock on the lady. From the top view you can recognise the copa an
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