Dr.Paul - The Secrets of Mature Masculine Power

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Dr.Paul - The Secrets of Mature Masculine Power
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Год выпуска: 2007
Страна: USA
Жанр: практическая психология
Продолжительность: 54m 27s + 52m 01s + 46m 52s
Язык: английский
В входят 3 видео и 2 рипа аудиодисков. Я не уверен, что это все из существующих аудио из этого курса, но видео полное.
All the products at doctorpaul interlock with each other as a kind of curriculum for men to build their lives on. Sometimes there is a little overlap of content, but that is purposeful. Just like you have several different areas of your brain all with different functions, none of them can work alone. They are all part of your mind and who you are.
Many men begin their learning about how to find a fulfilling life, how to get stronger connections with women, dating, relationships and career advancement through starting with the mindOS ebook and KWML ebook. If you were to then add to this the Mature Masculine Power ebook you have all of the core material to work with to begin changing your life as a man forever.
While mindOS is the only material on the planet which guides people in a razor sharp training at building a character that leads to the career destiny, personal growth, and rewards in general we all hope for, and while the KWML method of understanding personality, teamwork, friendship, and social behavior is the only complete guide to predicting the likely kinds of connections we will have with others in the future, the Mature Masculine Power ebook and advanced programs are gritty, deeply illuminating programs on all the aspects of being a man that are instinctual, intuitive, street smart, and of a reflex, primal, “animal” nature.
Before you can move into all kinds of strategies and tactics for dating women, and prior to diving into career ambitions, making money, and reaching all that you are meant for with your mission in life, you have to take the time to even learn what the most recent innovations in mind science say about what it is to be a man. That’s Mature Masculine Power.
“Being a Man” is not JUST about being good at getting women into your life. There are many “players” out there, “straw men” and losers who have all the affection from women they can get, but never amount to anything in the other areas of their lives.
“Being a Man” is also certainly not JUST about being in a high-flying career. Take it from me - and I am sure you have been here too at some point - your mission in life as a man will feel entirely EMPTY no matter how successful you are, if you just don’t get how to attract women to your life. Some think that the attention of women is the prime reason we even bother with careers in our early years.
Neither a “player” nor a “yuppie” has a lock on a completely fulfilled life as a man. But the Mature Masculine Power products are going to show you when, what, why, where, and how to get a lock on this. One of the most important aspects of my method to give to you RIGHT NOW, is this, and while very sensible and intuitive, you won’t see this clear, simple principle written so candidly and accurately in any literature, any seminar, anywhere in the world, in any source:
Masculinity = Skills With Women + Skills At Career
Or in normal language:
“Being a Man” = Attracting Women + Having a “Mission in Life”
If you don’t know how to successfully meet women, then you’re probably going to walk through life feeling like “less of a man”. It’s not an easy thing to explain to someone who doesn’t “get it”, but I’ll bet that you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Many if not most of the women you know do not and cannot quite grasp this concept.
On the other hand, if you don’t have all the masculine skills of “making your way in the world” - a goal we all call a “career” or better yet, a “mission in life” as a man - the skills for this psychiatrists call “character” - then it eats away at you no matter how good you are with women. Soon, your popularity, effectiveness, and enjoyment of relationships to women crumble. They feel your mission in life weaken at first, then see it start to dissolve, and you go back to the job you hate, or sink into an “unpleasant resignation” about the job you already have. Then no matter how suave and clever you are, you can lose the very woman you have always wanted.
You KNOW what I mean. Your mission in life as a man does count, and your “character” as a man is the very thing that drives your success at it.
To “Be a Man,” you need BOTH skill at attracting women, AND skill at career success through character growth.
Ultimately, any difficulty you encounter in life comes down to where you stand on these two parts of the equation of masculinity. Underneath these twin skills of masculinity - the ability to attract women and the skills of making your way in the world - there is a unifying principle: the reflexes, instincts and tactics of masculinity.
This is the gritty, animal-level intuitive understanding of life that the Mature Masculine Power ebook, CDs and DVDs are all about. When you have to make a decision about taking a new job, you will need to remember your mission in life, and how it fits with the presence of women in your life. Many men forget entirely about the “woman thing” when they are hard at work on the career choices.
When you are having a hard time financially, you need to look at your current career skills, and not forget the ability to attract women in your life. Many men dig in and forge ahead when money is tight, forgetting that women are half the equation of masculinity. The more common story is the guy who falls so deeply for a woman that he puts all his time and resources into her, and lets his career utterly fall apart.
They forget that “Being a Man” = Women + Mission in Life BOTH parts of “Being a Man” are necessary and very FEW men ever bother to consider the impact of these on every challenge you encounter. There certainly has never been a textbook about it, a coach, therapist, or self-help guru who teaches how these work together. Perhaps, like me, you didn’t have a Dad or older brother fit all the puzzle pieces together FOR you.
After spending years trying to learn how to attract women, I began to notice that the guys who were the MOST successful were actually communicating with women on a “different level”. They would talk, certainly, but there was something else going on too. It was emotional, maybe even “spiritual.”
I’ve had some big personal breakthroughs when I approached the most successful men I could find, to watch them “do what they do.”
When I compared what I had learned in my profession to what these sorts of men were doing to be so effective with women, I realized that “spiritual” wasn’t quite the right word. It was “masculinity” - the core of a man’s “spirit.” Women could sense this both in the words of their conversation, but also in the way the guy moved, in the emotional tone, in his eyes, and countless other subtle ways.
Yet, when I would hang out with these successful men, I could tell that the very same “spirit” of their interactions with women was something that also steered their career lives. They didn’t let people walk all over them at the job, and yet they were also the “favorite” employee or partner of the “big cheeses” at the firm.
I didn’t get this at first, until I dove back into the principles of my profession. There is an exact set of “rules” and “codes” that go with the process of growing up to “Be a Man,” and these guys I knew had had great father-figures in their lives, or else just sort of stumbled on the “codes.”
As we know, Masculinity = Women + Mission in life, and - while some of my programs for you center very much on women and dating, others (like mindOS) center on your mission in life and your character as a man - I wanted to capture the “other side of the equation” in its purest form. The secret “codes” of masculinity.
When I watched each of these uber-masculine guys deal with problems - such as standing face-to-face with a boss and telling him he’s wrong, or telling a woman creating drama in their lives to “get some composure” - I seriously thought the very next event would be them getting immediately fired or broken up with.
It turns out that the OPPOSITE thing happened. The boss actually took
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